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21 Looks Everyone from San Antonio Will Recognize

Let's rodeo San Antonio.

1. When someone pronounces "Bexar" the way it is spelled.

2. When cedar levels are high.

3. When you tell people you get an entire day off for The Battle of Flowers Parade.

4. Walking into HEB on an empty stomach.

5. When you remember that Taco Cabana sells booze.

6. When somebody implies that the Spurs are not the best basketball team ever.

7. When you're reunited with your group after being separated at NIOSA.

8. When it's too hot to swim.

9. When Randy Beamer's on TV.

10. When you miss your exit on 1604 and end up taking the whole loop.

11. When you realize your high school graduation is held in the same arena as the rodeo.

12. When you eat Mexican food in any other city.

13. When you have to take guests to the Alamo.

14. When someone sets off fireworks within city limits.

15. When you find leftover Lucas on your lip.

16. When they turn on the Riverwalk Christmas lights.

17. When someone suggests margaritas.

18. When you're within earshot of Camp Bullis.

19. When someone tells you that 50 degrees is not freezing.

20. When you try to shop responsibly at La Cantera.

21. And when somebody asks if you’d ever live anywhere else.