

If your going to be my friend on here, you know me. : D but for the sake of /something/ being here... Two things when you meet me, you either really like me, or really hate me. I'm a creature of strong convictions and I stand by them adamantly. In the Harry Potter sense, I'm a Slytherin House student, with my best subjects being Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Zodiac wise, I'm an Aries, with the best attitude that fire has to offer. Extremely hard to keep up with but extremely fun if you can, I love adventure, travel and trying new things. I refuse to have a picky palette, and my taste for adventure is about the same. I don't care where we are going, if I have never been there before, I'm up for the challenge. Though awkward in most 'normal' social situations, I always find a way to make people smile, whether its laughing with me, or at me. I have a habit of acquiring strange and unusual hats, one being a dog, the other being a dragon, and my collection keeps growing. There are no qualms about religion with me, or political views, you can believe what you want, and follow who or what you want, I respect that even if I don't necessarily agree with them.

Dec 2010
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