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    18 Reasons To Date Someone Somewhat Socially Awkward

    Single and ready to mingle? Why bother using Tinder when you can date someone who's a bit shy, a bit cute, and a WHOLE LOT awkward! Here's 18 reasons why our breed of people make the best boyfriends/girlfriends

    18. No matter what happens, we will never leave you.

    17. Because we think you're perfect and will treat you as such.

    ........even if that means sometimes we're whipped.

    16. Some of us might be talented

    15. Or Rich

    14. We're also perfect with parents

    13. We won't be bragging about our gains/gym sessions

    12. Plus you never know when we can get hot

    11. Because we can entertain you with some eclectic dinner conversation topics

    10. And we're also better at sex............probably

    9. If we're not good at sex, at least we're funny.

    8. Because we probably already binge watch the same shows

    7. And we understand and want to share in your longstanding relationship with food

    6. Because even if you stop being attractive, we won't care because we're just happy you're attractive now.

    5. Because letting us reproduce with each other is just not good for nature or the world

    4. Letting us die through natural selection will also destroy the world. (How many meatheads do you think can support the earth, you need us!)

    3. We probably already started out as your best friend

    2. Because even though we're socially awkward we're pretty comfortable with who we are

    1. Finally, let' face it you're somewhat socially awkward too

    So c'mon! Come date us already!!