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    10 Things We've All Thought During A Miserable Presentation...

    No matter if its school, college or work there's always one presentation that goes miserably wrong and you look to the person next to you with these exact expressions

    10. When you're 10 minutes in and you still have no clue what's going on...

    9. ...but everyone else is taking notes, so you open your pad stare at the page and slowly close it again

    8. You're so tired you start to wonder how many hours it's been since you've eaten

    7. ...then you realise it's only been 20 minutes and lunch is 3 hours away

    6. To pass the time you start to slowly rock back on your chair but then remember the horrible stories you were told as a kid

    5. ...but you're an adult now and no one tells you what to do...

    4. ...apart from the speaker who asks a question and no one raises their hand... awks

    3. Then you remember the coffee you made exactly for the situation you foresaw yourself in ...ahh godly refreshments...

    2. ...but it's cold! However, Starbucks serve ICE coffee so this must be like...hipster?

    1. But the one thing we all think is... when will the world end so this monstrosity will be over!!