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    Searching For The Squatch: The Best Places To Look For Bigfoot

    Bigfoot: Fact or fiction? Whether you’re a diehard believer or simply think that he could maaaybe theoretically exist, the only way to know for sure is to get hard evidence for yourself (and maybe don’t listen to the haters). There have been between 2,000 – 6,000 sightings in America alone and you, my friend, could be one of them. Here’s Roadtrippers’ comprehensive guide to launching your own hunt for Mr. Squatch. Good luck!

    Where to Look?

    The best places to find Bigfoot are usually near water and at night (he's probably semi-nocturnal). It couldn't hurt to bring an offering of fish, since that may be the main part of his diet. Don't forget camping gear and a good, reliable camera! As far as Sasquatch etiquette goes, try to remain hidden if you spy him, and if he sees you, try appear non-threatening (pretend to groom yourself or eat). Whatever you do, don't run- he can and will catch you. Last but not least, report any sightings to rangers or the authorities- but don't be discouraged if they think it's a fake…you know the truth!

    Ruby Creek Sighting

    Allegheny National Forest

    Ape Canyon

    Bluff Creek