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    24 Things To Do On Your Daily Commute

    It will make a pleasant change from Candy Crush. And distract you from the actual Human Crush.

    1. Learn all the lyrics from Les Misérables

    One day more. Another day another destiny...

    2. Exercise

    Take the stairs. Park further from the office. Pick the carriage furthest away. Reward yourself with one less gym session a week.

    3. Calculate the actual odds of an Oasis reunion

    Take into account all factors including which brother is flakiest, who needs the money, etc

    4. Rate the order of all of Meryl Streep's cinematic performances

    If Kramer v Kramer is not in the top 5, please leave now. See also - Mamma Mia.

    5. Calculate how long you would have to work for in order to afford an Eat, Pray, Love holiday

    Only do this if you're in a good mood. Results may affect performance for rest of the day.

    6. Learn the difference between Louis and Liam from One Direction

    Clue - they aren't Harry or Niall (or Zayn - sobs)

    7. Read Ulysses

    Or at least try. Then be like everyone else, give up and lie. But put in an informed effort first.

    8. Develop your all-time Premiership dream team

    Keane or Vieira? KEANE OR VIEIRA?

    9. Get to know Domnhnall Gleeson

    2015 will be a big year for the young actor - Ex Machina, Brooklyn and Star Wars to name just three. Get to know him NOW.

    10. Master the shoulder sway in Uptown Funk


    11. Smash the Patriarchy

    Why not? God knows it's needs smashing.

    12. Learn the entire Beatles cataloge

    Go on. There's only 309 of them. It'll certainly pass the time.

    13. Pick your favourite Graham Norton Show line-up

    Shoutout to Will.I.Am and Mir.I.Am (Margolyes) for being the best damn guests ever.

    14. Sign this petition to keep the Mediterranean Search and Rescue Team

    In light of the recent migration crisis, this is a worthwhile addition to your morning routine.

    15. Decipher the ending of A Space Odyssey

    Go on. I dare you.

    16. Listen to Molotov Jukebox

    A shameless plug for another article of mine - I can only apologise.

    17. Figure out who you're going to vote for

    In the general election, obviously - not Britain's Got Talent. Listen out on the news and look up the manifestos online. It will help you to choose ahead of May 7th.

    18. On a related note ...

    Snog, Marry, Avoid: David Cameron, Katie Hopkins, Richard Littlejohn. Pick.

    19. Pick your favourite Fraiser episode

    I don't know what to do with those tossed salads or scrambled eggs either, Kelsey.

    20. Test your eyesight

    Can you read the licence plate on front? The tube map? The arrival times? No? Maybe it's time for a trip to the opticians!

    21. Have a chat with a stranger

    You never know what/who you might discover!

    22. Read that pile of books at the foot of your bed

    Just think of all that extra room. Oh, and expanding your mind etc.

    23. Meditate. Chill. Relax.

    But not while driving. Or without a firm grip on your belongings.

    24. Enjoy the trip!

    Travel is great - even if it is taking you to work.