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    A Modest Proposal

    Inspired by Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal, this satire piece offers a researched, yet still sarcastic, solution to the Israel-Palestine debate. I am not sure if my footnote transfer over from copy and paste so they will be included at the bottom.

    A Modest Proposal

    In the Old Testament the Jewish people are viewed as wanderers, in search of a land they can call home. Europe has proven to be a failure in the past and not just during the mid-twentieth century. Before the rise of Nazi Germany were the pogroms of the late 19th century and the Dreyfus Affair in France; there was the Inquisition that forced many non-Christians to conform to a new faith, or face the threat of torture, exile, or execution. In ancient times, when the Jewish people lived in Israel they were famously massacred in Jerusalem and Masada by the Roman Empire. Even their time in modern day Israel has been far from peaceful. There has been almost a constant war, or threat of war, since the country's inception in 1948.

    It can be seen throughout history that the Jewish people would benefit from the security of a homeland. In the early 20th century, while the Jews were being hunted down and executed in Russia, the British government offered 5,000 square miles, of what is today Kenya and Uganda, to the Zionist movement. As history reveals, the Zionist movement in British Mandate Palestine, both from violent and non-violent parties, ultimately lead to Resolution 181: The two state partition plan. Upon signing Israel's independence, Ben-Gurion was forced into an instant war.

    Today, it is difficult for Israel to trust any country in the region. And, it is difficult for any country in the region to trust Israel. So while the Jewish people would benefit from having a homeland, why must it be stubbornly surrounded by neighbors who wish it harm? Herzl proclaimed, in The Jewish State, that a Jewish homeland would allow his people to step away from the global spotlight. Once assimilation in European society proved to be a failed practice, he hoped the Jewish people would be able to live quietly, in their own country, so those who wish to harm them would have to openly conquest.

    The religious texts say love thy neighbor, so why not move to a neighborhood that has shown unwavering love to the state of Israel? I am talking about none other than the United States of America. In 2010 alone the U.S.A. gave Israel $2.77 billion dollars for military aid. It is now estimated that they offer a little over $3 billion on an annual basis . Is that not the neighbor Israel should be living beside? Currently the greatest gift that Israel and its neighbors offer each other is silence. But they only seem to ignore each other when they are feeling generous.

    My suggestion is simple in theory. I propose that the Jewish State of Israel relocates to Texas. For the appearance of 50 states, the U.S.A. can grant Puerto Rico full statehood.

    By moving the Jewish State to Texas, the United States will have the opportunity to not only bring a new order of peace to the world, but also address domestic concerns in the southern states.

    Texas's desire to secede is well known to the world. Even Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin support the state's fight for independence. Perhaps it is time for America to stop resisting Texas' push and reward it with the independence it has been craving for over a hundred years. By offering Texas to the world as the new Jewish state, Texas will have won its long quest for independence.

    Another concern that the relocation will address is immigration. One of the many concerns for Americans in the southern states is the illegal crossing of Mexican, and other South American, immigrants into the country through its southern border states. Texas is no exception. Former Governor Rick Perry demanded the federal government place stricter border patrol to reduce the number of immigrants coming into the country. By creating a Jewish State in Texas, the United States creates a buffer. The number of locations for people to illegally cross the border would greatly reduce. Immigrants will either have to travel across the new Jewish State or navigate their way through a more concentrated border patrol in Arizona and New Mexico.

    What will this transition do for the people of Israel? For one, there will be more cost effective trading with the United States. Israel has been one of the world's leading innovators in science, medicine, and other technology. They are one of the leaders in developing clean energy through innovations like the Solar Window, and cost efficient Wind Turbines. Unfortunately due to its location, it costs over $600 per container to trade between the two countries. Can you imagine the successful trade Israel and America could practice if their borders brushed shoulders? Our University students interested in Israeli research could take a school bus abroad rather than fly across the globe.

    The move would also help with security, for both the United States and Israel. These two nations form two of the most formidable military forces in the world. Israel is surrounded by nations who have a history of attempting to harm the country. Moving west will ensure the future of the Jewish state by geographically aligning it beside one of the world's super powers. This also benefits the U.S.A. By relocating Israel south of the United States, the US has a stable southern ally and can keep a close watch on one of the only nuclear programs in the world (9 total).

    Finally, Texas has larger borders than the current state of Israel. Expansions, like the settlements in the West Bank, will be irrelevant given the large volume of land Texas provides. People wishing to make Aliyah or seek citizenship will have more success finding comfortable housing in Texas' more temperate climate and open terrain.

    History has shown that a Jewish State will help ensure the survival of the Jewish people. Perhaps survival is more important than geography. Maybe a welcoming home with a future can offer more than surviving the present.