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    9 Ways To Be A Gentleman According To My Grandma

    We all know that grandmothers know best, especially when it comes chivalry and gentlemanly stuff. Here are nine things I learned from my grandma (aka Bubbe) about how to be a gentleman.

    1. When Walking with a Date, Walk on the Outside

    2. Use a Fork and Knife Properly

    View this video on YouTube

    There are basically two ways to use a fork and knife—European and American style—neither of which is gripping your utensil in a fist. If you eat like a caveman, then that's how people will see you. (Skip to 0:55 in the video.)

    3. Use the Right Utensils

    4. Share Food Politely

    5. Pass the Salt...and the Pepper

    7. Express Yourself Properly

    8. Have Telephone Etiquette

    9. Know Where to Find a Clean Bathroom

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