Ryan Gosling Sent Flowers To The Late "Ryan Gosling Eats Cereal" Meme Creator's Girlfriend

    Ryan McHenry found internet fame by making jokes about Gosling not eating cereal.

    Ryan McHenry, the man behind the hugely popular “Ryan Gosling won’t eat his cereal” meme, died at the weekend after a two-year battle with bone cancer.

    A few days after the Scottish filmmaker's death, Gosling released a statement.

    My heart goes out to all of Ryan McHenry's family and friends. Feel very lucky to have been apart of his life in some small way.

    He even created a Vine of himself eating cereal, in the ultimate tribute to McHenry's work.


    And now it has been revealed that Gosling also sent flowers to McHenry's girlfriend, Joanne McGuinness.


    McGuinness announced on Facebook yesterday that McHenry’s funeral will be held in Dumfries next Tuesday.