A See-Through Truck Has Been Designed To Improve Road Safety

    Safety Truck is just a prototype at this stage, but Samsung is working towards obtaining the necessary approval.

    Samsung has come up with a solution for making overtaking lorries a lot easier – rear-mounted screens showing following drivers what’s ahead of the vehicle.

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    The prototype design is called Safety Truck, and a video of it in action was shared by Samsung Argentina.

    The clip claims that almost one person dies in a traffic accident in the country every hour, and that a majority of traffic accidents come from people attempting to overtake on the roads.

    Safety Truck consists of a wireless camera attached to the front of a truck, with the footage then displayed on four outdoor monitors mounted on the back of the vehicle.

    The monitors are designed to make it easier for drivers to judge when to overtake trucks, the aim being to reduce the risk of accidents.

    Samsung said it had conducted a test with a local business-to-business client in Argentina but that the prototype truck was no longer operational.

    "So far Samsung has been able to confirm that the technology works and that this idea can definitely save the lives of many people," the company said.

    "The next step is to perform the corresponding tests in order to comply with the existing national protocols and obtain the necessary permits and approvals. For this, Samsung is working together with safe-driving NGOs and the government."