

I was a hippie in the sixties, and still am. I am an activist for peace and justice. I'm an artist. I'm a sign designer by trade, in the business for over thirty years. I do fine art and crafts on the side. I'm a writer and a poet. I'm currently working on a book about the Texas Pop Festival. Music is extremely important to me. I dislike "commercialized" music. No rap, country, disco, pop for me, thanks. I'm extremely liberal. I don't think capitalism is any better than communism. I would like to see a new system come out. I've thought a lot about that and have ideas for another system that's sort of in between the two, but different. I believe political parties and lobbies should be abolished. I think we should adopt an "automatic run-off" elections system with government funding. I heard Obama say that the networks wouldn't like it if we made them air campaign ads for free, but he forgets that the people own the air waves! I'm anti-tobacco. I think marijuana should be legal. I enjoy going to movies, museums (listening to live music and going to comedy clubs except for the smoking), camping and especially travelling. I love to travel! I'm agnostic, and I believe there is a popular misconception that agnostics "don't know what to believe." Agnostics simply are logical enough to acknowledge that they no one really knows one way or the other. I do believe that religion can do good, but has done more bad than good in this world. I think society condones and glamorizes violence and cruelty, but shuns love and sex, thus putting sex in the gutter, making it the center of our strictest taboos while worshipping warriors. Yet, I've got a vivid sense of humor. I consider myself witty and funny. (When I get off my soap box, you'll see what I mean!)

Dec 2010
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