
Richard Conolly

Likes - Thursday nights; Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes; supportive friends who see your best side – when at your worst; Håagen Dazs and all its works; that yikes! moment of first strong attraction; riding bikes; mist on a warm day; election fever; human voices in harmony; running gags; raindrops on spiderwebs; nibbling earlobes; daylight savings time; watching ice hockey (I can't skate); cats that like having their tummy rubbed; Apple Macs; singing the in shower, echoey stairwells, archways, etc.; the California sun (much missed); June gloom (ask a southern Californian); people who are witty in misery (e.g. Glaswegians); cheeky pints midweek midday; Neil Finn key changes & bridges; wise counsel. Dislikes - Christmas decorations in OCTOBER!; Monday mornings; broken boilers; early nights; the insensitively optimistic; jogging; liars, manipulators & back stabbers generally; modern bright stripy shirts that were last in fashion c 1978-83 and should now only be in museums; being landlocked; walkers who come to a dead stop in the centre of busy gangways, doorways and passageways; the ganja smells from the flat downstairs; vocoders; the combo of arrogance with thin skin; cucumbers and courgettes/zucchini; people who assert authority by saying nothing at great length; sulky students; fake boobs; sunset before 5:30 pm; breaking bones; wise counsel.

Feb 2009
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