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    Six of the Most Obscure Problems the Internet Can Solve For You

    Yes, the Internet has been aptly wielded to solve many problems in our everyday lives, but here are some things you may still not think about when considering the utility of the Information Superhighway!

    What was life like before the Internet? It was filled with many obscure problems that would take a lot of time and money to solve.

    Here are six that problems the Internet makes it easier to solve:

    Identifying Rare Illnesses

    Before the Internet, symptoms of rare illnesses would often go unrecognized because of lack of information. Vast online resources, combined with social sharing, have resulted in more rare illness discoveries than ever before. Internet identification has also resulted in more people receiving treatment early enough to prevent disability or death.

    Conducting Research

    Instead of scientists paying offline volunteers to help them with research, they can now quickly and efficiently receive the same help online. Some ask Internet users to help them find data, such as obscure facts or objects in satellite images. Others lack funding for more computing power and remotely use volunteered computers from around the world to add to their computing needs.

    Solving Identification Mysteries

    Need to identify a painting or antique? You don't need to pay an art or antiques dealer for help. With online image search capabilities, you can snap a photo of the item and upload it to a search engine or photo search website to find it. Additionally, many websites devoted to identifying objects are available online.

    Surveying Targeted Groups

    Some businesses spend millions of dollars on their marketing strategies. A large part of the expense is attached to surveying groups of people from targeted markets. You can save yourself time and money usually spent on focus groups or direct mail surveys by using free websites and email surveys to find out the information you need.

    Creating Simple Weddings

    Virtual ministers and weddings exist. People who had a civil marriage or fulfill the requirements for a common law or proxy marriage can benefit from an online wedding. They don't have to spend as much money as they would for a real world wedding or deal with guests. Virtual weddings are also perfect for people who met online!

    Finding Hard-to-Find Repair Parts

    Do you have an appliance or toy that needs repaired? Are you looking for a foreign part? Any search engine keyword or image search can help you find out if the part you need is available. Yes, anything from gearboxes for Power Wheels to a new spring for a pinball machine are out there for you! You can also find help locating repair parts through product-specific and general parts suppliers, auction sites and even forums.

    The Internet isn't only for news or entertainment. Use it today to solve some of your most difficult problems!