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    Celebrity Fitness: Four Unique Methods Celebs Use To Get In Shape

    These aren't necessarily the diet and exercise regimes you're going to want to adopt immediately, but it's fun to consider the crazy things actors and actresses do to fit the characters we see on screen! Many celebrities make their living by having the 'perfect' physique. Actresses and models have immense pressure placed on them to bounce back to pre-pregnancy weights within two or three months of giving birth. Actors are expected to appear lean in one film and bulk up to superhero musculature for the next project effortlessly and on insanely-short time frames. Of course, some celebs will go to extreme lengths to meet the demands placed on them by directors, fans and their own work ethic. Here are the four most unique methods celebrities have used to get into a desired shape.

    Christian Bale and Monitored Starvation

    Christian Bale lost 62 pounds for his role in The Machinist. He did this by limiting himself to either one apple or one can of plain tuna a day. During filming six-foot-tall Bale weighed only 120 pounds. As soon as The Machinist was completed, he set about almost doubling his bodyweight to portray Batman in Batman Begins. He accomplished this in six months. Although Bale insists he was under doctor's care during his foray into starvation, it is not a normal method to drop weight whatsoever. Most celebrities who need to become ultra lean use a low-fat diet and excessive cardio to achieve the look, which is far safer.

    Vincent D'Onofrio and Binge Eating

    So, this one is actually someone getting in... less than desirable shape. In order to pack 70 pounds onto his 6'4" frame for his role in Full Metal Jacket, Vincent D'Onofrio binged on greasy foods and led a sedentary lifestyle. While most actors who need to gain weight for a role simply allow the pounds to pile on by leading a normal life, D'Onofrio took extreme steps to put on weight, including self force-feeding and drinking melted ice cream.

    Linda Hamilton and Boot Camp

    While many actresses who take on physically demanding roles simply lose five pounds and get a spray tan to simulate musculature, Linda Hamilton was the real deal for Terminator 2. She trained for three hours a day, six days a week for over six months in preparation for the role. By the time filming started, she could reload a pump shotgun with one arm. The on-screen chin ups were not assisted, and she did a lot of her own stunts.

    Jennifer Aniston and Baby Food

    This has to be one of the more bizarre methods of keeping a red-carpet-worthy figure. Aniston, who has always been somewhere between skeletal and athletically trim, admitted that she once followed a strict diet of nothing but jarred baby food in order to prepare for a role.

    Celebrities will do dangerous, ill-advised diets and workout regimens to achieve the physique they want. For those who want to make permanent body changes, normal workouts and reasonable food choices are a far healthier route to take. Before beginning any fitness regimen or diet, it's wise to consult with healthcare professionals or you might speak with fitness professionals such as those that offer fitness boot camp programs in New York City.