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19 Absolutely Stunning Make-Up Looks To Try This Autumn

They're berry good indeed.

1. The autumnal glow is a legit thing.

2. And definitely just not for the summer.

3. It's different from a summery glow: It's a warm glow.

4. Bolder looks, however, are equally stunning this season.

5. Just look at this gothic gorgeousness.

6. Going bold with gold is another autumn look guaranteed to make heads turn.

7. Because a bronze or gold lid and berry pout is pure perfection.

8. As is a simple dark eye and a matte lip.

9. But a shimmering green eye is simply majestic.

10. And bit of sparkle certainly never hurt anyone.

11. If you're a dab hand with the eyeshadow brush, an orangey sunset eye is absolutely stunning.

12. And a bit of eyeliner mastery can do wonders.

13. But subtle hues of pinks and purples also look completely marvellous.

14. And can bring out the gorgeousness of your eye colour.

15. It's just very pretty and natural.

16. But if you want to spice things up, hues of orange and red can light your fire.

17. Or you could let your hair do the talking and go for soft shades of purple and brown.

18. Fluttering lashes are like the fluttering leaves of this beautiful season.

19. They just bring out the lovely tones of autumn's beautiful palette.