24 Secrets People Who Date Vegetarians Wont Tell You

    No mistakes, just missed steaks.

    1. You're constantly debating the merits of soy with them.

    2. Every now and then, you like to wave a nice bit of meat in front of them in the hope they'll take a bite.

    3. You try to make them see that sometimes mistakes are actually blessings.

    My girlfriend is a vegetarian. They mistakenly put bacon on her pizza tonight. She’s complaining. Doesn’t even realize what a gift this is.

    4. And you've questioned the root of their Vegetarianism several times.

    5. Which always gets them riled up for an argument.

    6. Because you know exactly how to push their buttons.

    7. Although sometimes you're guilty of taking it a tad too far.

    This is what happens when my vegetarian girlfriend tries to mess with me😏 #bolognabed

    8. But if anyone knows how to make you feel like a terrible person, they do.

    9. So for a brief period you find yourself questioning everything you've ever known.

    10. That is, until you smell this.

    11. When you go out for dinner you have to check the menu to see if it's vegetarian friendly.

    12. Which only makes you lament the fact that you will never enjoy a steak dinner together.

    13. So you go a bit mental with when you're with your meat-loving mates.

    14. You struggle with knowing what is actually vegetarian friendly.

    15. So naturally your partner is suspicious of your cooking.

    In a year of dating I only tried to feed my vegetarian girlfriend meat 3 times on accident so there's that

    16. Although not as suspicious as you are of meat alternatives.

    17. You're grateful however, for the fact that you now meet your 5-a-day.

    18. But your support has its limits.

    My girlfriend has given me a vegetarian cookbook for Christmas. She's helpfully labelled certain meals.

    19. So you learn to compromise with ingenious cooking solutions.

    It requires special treatment to cook lasagne with a vegetarian girlfriend and not giving up on the meat.

    20. And figure out ways to share meals.

    21. Not that not sharing is a problem.

    Perks of being with a #vegetarian girlfriend - I literally get ALL the chicken.

    22. You know it's love when despite their beliefs, they cook meat for you.

    My Vegetarian girlfriend made bacon for the first time this morning. It was joy. @ShannonCR_

    23. And of course, you always try to return the favour.

    When my vegetarian girlfriend asks me to cook for her

    24. Because ultimately, as much as you do love meat, you love them more.

    Sometimes true love means yelling "IT'S CHICKEN! IT'S CHICKEN!" right before your vegetarian boyfriend bites into what he thinks is tofu. 🍗