19 Broke Uni Students Who Could Teach Us A Thing Or Two

    Resourcefulness: the only thing you ever really learn.

    1. Milk your cafeteria for all it's worth.

    2. Put those many pizza boxes to good use.

    3. Create kitsch vessels to drink booze from.

    4. Remember that your uni is is more than just a fountain of knowledge.

    5. If you run out of toilet paper at home, why not venture to a public toilet and restock?

    6. Forgo real Xmas trees and just create one from your hair instead.

    7. Be compassionate to thieves who clearly have less than you.

    8. In fact why not lend them a helping hand?

    9. Use other people's fortune to your advantage.

    10. Indulge in a bit of DIY.

    11. And make your house truly a home.

    12. Give birthdays that little something extra with unique finishing touches.

    13. Bet only what you can afford and play for stuff you actually need.

    At uni we are skint so play poker for food! Tonight i won some tikka masala, baked beans, soup, coke and a trifle! 😅

    14. Make your breakfast portable.

    When you're in college and to broke to buy bowls..

    15. But if you insist on buying breakfast outside, make it worthwhile.

    Thanks uni this will do me just fine for my morning coffees #skint #wheresmyloan #issues ☕️

    16. Remember that every little helps.

    @dominos @star_hasel @Isarmatute and I are the definition of broke hungry college kids 😂😭

    17. And that true love is CHEESEBURGER.

    When you're broke because college but you still want to show bae a good time. #whataburger 🍟

    18. Be willing to go the extra mile if necessary.

    19. And remember that your ingenious solutions are the future.