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    23 Times Grace Helbig Perfectly Summed Up Being In Your Twenties

    "I don't know."

    1. When your morning caffeine hit is your uncredited best friend.

    2. When you get carded but your friends don't.

    3. When someone asks what your "plan" is.

    4. When people pressure you about settling down.

    5. When you're barely holding it together.

    6. When everything costs money and you have none.

    7. When you're forced to engage in small talk at parties.

    8. When people tell you to enjoy your twenties.

    9. When you're expected to figure it all out on your own.

    10. And when you do figure it out on your own.

    11. When your confidence is at an all time high.

    12. But when it quickly plummets to an all time low.

    13. When you realize being a human takes some work.

    14. When you successfully cook one decent meal.

    15. When you forget that cleaning is a thing you have to do.

    16. When you flirt with risky trends.

    17. When you look into the future and see a black hole.

    18. When you fall deep into an identity crisis.

    19. When Facebook becomes one big collection of engagement announcements.

    20. But you're still busy just generally killing it.

    21. When someone tells you what you "should" be doing.

    22. When your friends are as lost as you.

    23. And, finally, when these three important words to live by become your motto.