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    Tech Tips For Potential Presidential Candidates

    If a trusted aide or teenage boy aren't around, one can always turn to YouTube.

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    Yesterday I heard something truly disturbing. It seems that Hillary Rodham Clinton, a potential candidate for President of the United States, is unaware that two or more email accounts can peacefully co-exist on one handheld device. Shocking, isn't it?

    Honestly, her emails pertaining to Chelsea's wedding plans, love notes between she and Bill, chats about yoga classes or order confirmations for her myriad pantsuits don't concern me; what does concern me (other than the whole putting national security at risk thing, of course) is her lack of expertise in this area. Come on, surely there must have been some trusted tech-savvy aide who could have helped her out with this setup! Of course, not everyone is as lucky as I am to have a teenage son around (that's who set up the 4 emails on my phone!), so I found her this nifty tutorial on YouTube that illustrates how it's done. You're welcome!