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    4 Reminders Of Why Black Beauty Is Dope

    In a society where black features are celebrated but black people are not, why not take a few minutes to celebrate the beauty that is, our blackness?

    On the Fetishizing and Appropriation of Black American Culture:

    Everything about being Black is in... Except actually being black, that is. Full lips. Large backsides. Tanned skin. Protective hairstyles. These features--unappreciated and devalued when present naturally in women of color--are glorified, fetishized, desired and applauded as "exotic" when present on non-women of color.

    Since society seems to have forgotten, below is quick reminder of the depth, beauty, and pure perfection that is blackness.


    1. Our Skin Color:

    2. Our Hair:

    3. Our Full Features:

    4. Our Style:

    In Short...

    There's history and context tied to these styles that cannot be ignored, a historical legacy forever linked to the ongoing cultural remnants of slavery and institutional racism. Appropriating these styles dismisses that context and turns blackness into a novelty, a parody--a subtle form of blackface.

    OUR STYLE IS NOT NOVELTY. It's poetry in motion. Love it. Love us. Love yourself.

    Artist. Writer and Social Critic at Black Woman. Future Mommy to a Young Black King. This will be my greatest assignment yet.

    For more of my musings, follow my blog at