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    10 Biggest Lies In Best Picture Winners

    Big movies, bigger winners, biggest LIES!

    It's been a hot button issue this awards season. Was LBJ as evil as "Selma" made him appear? Did Chris Kyle do everything the movie portrayed him doing?

    I don't know, but I'm here to point out some of the biggest lies told in best picture winners.

    1. The world was NOT silent NOR was everything black and white in 1927 (The Artist)

    Can you believe these people?! Not since "1984" has there been such a terrible record of life at a time.

    Tons of people could talk and make noises and see colors in everything. Why did the director of this movie make such a weird choice?

    He should have his Oscar revoked!

    2. Jamal Malik NEVER played an Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (Slumdog Millionaire)

    Well, there's three days I'll never get back.

    I watched every episode of India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and HE WAS NEVER ON IT!

    Nice try, Danny Boyle, but some people are willing to watch every episode in fast-forward back-to-back to catch you!

    3. There is NO record of everyone breaking out into song in 1924 (Chicago)

    What the hell is up with every movie depicting the 1920's inaccurately?

    People did not break out into song all the time, if EVER. I don't know how that movie won an Oscar (no for reals, why did that happen?)

    4. Ed Harris and Paul Bettany were NOT dreams of John Nash (A Beautiful Mind)

    The movie starts in 1947. Ed Harris was not even born until 1950. Paul Bettany wasn't even born until 1971. How could Nash have imagined how two people who were not even born yet would look like as peers?! Plot holes like this should be reason enough for this movie to not even be nominated let alone win.

    5. Plastic bags in the wind are not the most beautiful things in the world (American Beauty)

    I don't know why this movie, who is clearly in Big Plastic's pocket, won best picture. It is clearly pro-littering, pro-pollution, and pro-Benghazi.

    Also, Idris Elba and Kate Upton have a few questions for whomever said a plastic bag in the breeze was more beautiful than them.

    6. It is literally impossible for Gwyneth Paltrow to have been the muse for Shakespeare (Shakespeare in Love)

    Look, I'm not history expert. And I don't want to rattle all the truthers out there ("truthers" believe that Shakespeare didn't actually write all of the plays and sonnets and other influential works he clearly wrote... right?). But Shakespeare died in 1616. Paltrow wasn't even born until 1972. Hell! Her dad wasn't even born until 1942. But Shakespeare was 52 when he died. Which means he loved someone who was 356 years younger than him.

    Here's something else for the "truthers": not only was Shakespeare a plagiarist, but he was a pervert.

    7. Speaking of cover-ups, did you know two of the most deadly serial killers never existed? (Silence of the Lambs)

    I have been through the FBI database so many times I am now on the No-Fly list and I need to call a number twice a day and tell them the weather.

    But it was worth it to bring you all the hard truth.

    Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill were not real killers in the early 90's. There is no record of them.

    PLUS, there's no record of Senator Ruth Martin, her daughter was captured by Buffalo Bill and held in a well for several days.

    What'd she do in office? She didn't cast any votes or propose any legislation. Is your head shaking? Cause mine is!

    8. The Heart of the Ocean necklace DOES NOT EVEN EXIST (Titanic)

    Like at all. So why were those people even trying to dig up the Titanic?

    What were they really looking for?

    Was there even an iceberg?

    Was there even a boat?

    If Jack and Rose weren't real, is there love still real?

    Why is no one asking the big questions?!

    9. Philadelphia's greatest sports figure isn't real - but don't tell them... that's all they have (Rocky)

    I know the internet has not made it to some underdeveloped areas of the world, but I'm surprised it has not hit Philadelphia yet. They love Rocky. Love him. There's a statue of him located in the city.

    But he's not real. Like at all. He's never boxed. He's never done anything. He's a complete myth.

    I guess when, as a city, there have only been 16 championships since the foundation of sports in America, a fake victory feels as good as a real one?

    10. The worst movie ever was a best picture winner (Forrest Gump)

    Seriously, this is the worst movie of all time. It's poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed. It's racist, sexist, and pro-war. It is a terrible movie.

    And the movies it beat out: Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Quiz Show, and Ed Wood were better movies that have lasted the test of time.

    Forrest Gump is terrible and it having the title "Best Picture" is a shame and almost makes the title worthless. Forrest Gump did more harm to movies than good.