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    12 Times Cersei's Shade Gave You Clarity

    Suitable life lessons for the Hound-eat-Dog world of Westeros.

    1. Cersei knew all along, "these hoes ain't loyal."

    2. When in doubt, ask for a refill.

    3. Translation: Listen up fives a ten is speaking.

    4. Light a candle for all of your haters, because the thirst is real.

    5. A girl's gotta have standards.

    6. It's nice to attempt a compliment here and there. Regina George style, of course.

    7. Always, keep it real.

    8. It's never too early to turn up.

    9. When he's being cute, throw him a bone and smile.

    10. A bitchslap does the body good. Especially if you're Joffrey.

    11. That time she taught us, the what's what on theology.

    12. Lastly, always run out of fucks to give.