

Many ways to describe me really. you either hate me or love me. If your in between the 2 you'll probably end up liking me. I dunno why tho. I can have fun...easily amused..I could spend a whole day in the park on the swings. I like walking around and having very in depth thoughts (for comics, mini stories etc etc.), or with a close friend cracking jokes and acting stupid just for fun. I love music, from anywhere, any genre :3. I'm very open minded and honest, even with stranger (i have nothing to hide). I drink a little (with permission I might add), but besides that I'm very straight edge. My tastes are just very scattered. I'm a gamer, but loyal to Nintendo, I have played other systems tho, I just prefer Nintendo cuz I grew up with it. I'm kinda child-like sometimes, other times I'm quite feline in nature, but i dunno for real, its just what my friends say I am. Favorite color is Green, Favorite flowers is Sunflowers, Favorite animal is a Lion, I'm a Leo With an Aquarian Rising.

Jun 2010
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