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    18 Reasons Condoleezza Rice Should Speak At Texas Tech's Graduation

    After students at Rutgers University protested former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaking at their spring commencement ceremony on May 18, students at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, started a social media campaign to invite the former diplomat to speak at their graduation ceremonies. The campaign Raiders for Rice was started by a group of graduating seniors at Tech who, after learning of TTU System Chancellor Kent Hance's open invitation to Rice, decided to take things to the realm of Facebook and Twitter. These Red Raiders are saying #YesRice and want #Condi4Commencement.

    1. Tech students love a good intellectual debate.

    2. Our football coach can do the stanky leg

    3. From here, it's possible.

    4. Sir Paul McCartney asked to perform in the birthplace of rock 'n' roll

    5. Texas Tech has an army of alumni

    6. Our campus is beautiful . . .

    7. . . . most of the time (we can weather anything)

    8. We are the first Purple Heart University in Texas

    9. We have astronauts as faculty members

    10. The Hancellor is the only person to ever beat Dubya in an election

    11. We have an Alpha Chi Omega chapter on campus

    12. We're ballin' at business

    13. Raider Red is the 2012 Capital One Mascot of the Year

    14. Lubbock is the cotton king

    15. We don't sing just country in Lubbock

    16. Beef: it's what's for dinner

    17. Our student section is full of great dancers

    18. And last but not least, our students say they want #Condi4Commencement!