This Girl Might Have The Best Tinder Tagline Of All Time

    +1, Heather.

    Redditor doctordavee happened across a 20-year-old on Tinder named Heather and wondered if she might have the best profile ever.

    She's definitely got a pretty good sense of humor (whichever one of these two she is). Dream date?

    Commenters on Reddit also chimed in with a few more ridiculous suggestions to take the tagline a step further...

    Until one naysayer shut it down.

    Ignore the haters, Heather. You've got this Tinder thing down.

    Turns out L.A.-native Eliza Bayne came up with the tagline first, with commenters pointing out it has been on SomeEcards. But using it in a Tinder bio is still a little stroke of genius.