Things Millennial Ice Cream Loves

    With fond regards to this and this.

    1. Hanging with BFFs.

    2. Cats.

    3. Going on vacay.

    4. Making out.

    5. Mason jars.

    6. Fancy hair.

    7. Vegan cookies.

    8. Memes.

    9. Tea cups.

    10. Matching manis.

    11. Going to the beach.

    12. Twee shit.

    13. Breakfast.

    14. Neon.

    15. Cuddling.

    16. Aviators.

    17. Frenemies.

    18. Arrested Development.

    19. Cute outfits.

    20. Spinning.

    21. Marriage equality.

    22. #YOLO

    23. Twerking.