This Valentine's Day Bouquet Is Borderline Genius

    Because you like roses, but you need razor blades.

    A bouquet of flowers is a classic Valentine's day gift.

    Like... this one.

    A beautiful bouquet that features all the e$$ential$.

    And flowers!

    To make your own bouquet, attach your items to wooden plant stakes with green waterproof tape (both found in the floral department of craft stores) .

    Then you can either push the wooden stakes (along with the fake flowers and leaves of your choosing) into a block of floral foam, or wrap the stakes and stems with the green tape to create a bouquet. Finish it by wrapping the bouquet in kraft paper or tissue, or arranging it in a vase.

    Pretty much any man or woman would be thrilled to receive a bouquet like this on February 14th.

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