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    Is Abortion Ever Okay?

    Are there any situations where having an abortion is alright?

    To begin answering this question here is a clip from the Comedy TV series, Scrubs:

    View this video on YouTube

    Jesus pretty much says it all in that clip, but I'm going to elaborate just in case anyone still doesn't understand.

    Is abortion okay if I'm a scared teenager who never planned on this happening? No.

    2. Is abortion okay if I'm a college student and this unplanned pregnancy will ruin my reputation and body?


    3. Is abortion okay if my boyfriend said he would break up with me if I have this baby?


    4. Is abortion okay if I don't have the money and resources to support this baby?


    5. Is abortion okay if I'm not ready for parenthood and I'm scared my baby will turn into a bratty/uncontrollable child like this one?


    6. Is abortion okay if I found out that my baby has down syndrome?


    7. Is abortion okay if having the baby will hurt my career?


    8. Is abortion okay if I don't want to deal with the stress that pregnancy puts on my body?

    Still no.

    9. Is abortion okay if I never intended to have kids in the first place?


    It may seem like abortion is the only option, but ADOPTION is a great option for all of these circumstances and more! So even if you can't support your own baby, or simply just don't want it, someone else who yearns for a child will unconditionally love and nurture your baby, and most importantly, they will give your baby a future and chance at life!

    Courtesy of Prolife Youth -