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    PostSecret Confessions And What They Really Mean

    PostSecret confessions can be inspirational, embarrassing, bold. But let's be honest: sometimes they're not telling the whole truth. So in honor of the latest PostSecret release, here's a quick translation of PostSecrets and what they really mean. Contribute your own!

    • Translation:I get lots of dates but never know how to calculate the tip.

    • Translation: My disturbing book-eating habit has left me lots of free time to spend alone....reading.

    • Translation:I love PostSecret but am really bad at keeping New Year's resolutions.

    • Translation: I swear I am not high maintenance, I swear I am not high maintenance, I swear I am not high maintenance.....

    • Translation: Pumpkin sex. Duh.

    • Translation: I have botchulism.

    • Translation: Actually there's no translation for this one. It's pretty straightforward.