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    Dear Greenpeace: 5 Lies from the Heartland Institute

    As we've told the Heartland Institute directly through Twitter, their response to our new report on climate change denial, Dealing in Doubt, contains a series of lies that are tellingly consistent with the lies we document in the report itself. Here are some, but not all, of the silliest claims Heartland made in their response to us.

    1. Lie #1:

    2. Lie #2:

    3. Lie #3:

    4. Lie #4:

    5. Lie #5:

    6. The bigger picture: Koch-funded climate change denial

    View this video on YouTube / Via Taki Oldham

    This video helps contextualize how fossil fuel billionaires Charles and David Koch fund not only Heartland, but a range of political, religious, retirement and other corporate-fabricated and -funded front groups that all echo each others denial of global warming.

    Tweets to Heartland calling out these lies:

    Here are our @PolluterWatch Tweets to Heartland, calling out a few of the dishonest statements in their response to Dealing in Doubt:

    Lie: @HeartlandInst claims to "never demonize scientists" but does: VS #Climate Denial

    — Polluter Watch (@PolluterWatch) September 13, 2013

    Lie: @HeartlandInst claims to never lie on "any aspect" of #ClimateChange yet faked endorsement from Chinese NAS

    — Polluter Watch (@PolluterWatch) September 13, 2013

    Lie: @HeartlandInst produces "educational material on #climate change" - actually you manipulate teachers/children

    — Polluter Watch (@PolluterWatch) September 13, 2013

    Lie: @HeartlandInst says its Barre Seid-funded "NIPCC is a genuinely objective, independent, and respected" - NOPE.

    — Polluter Watch (@PolluterWatch) September 13, 2013