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    Michelle's 'Let's Move' Is Just More Social Justice

    Nutritional program or just more $ for her favorite people.

    Yes, the country has an obesity problem. Yes, there are children out there whose parents are drug addicts who sell their food stamps. But is fixing these problems the responsibility of the Federal Government. Absolutely NOT!

    Let’s take a closer look at Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Program. The good parts are the focus on nutrition and exercise. But what was actually done to promote that focus. The exercise is the shining star here. Some of the nutritional programs are another story. She convinced USDA to change our nutrition triangle to a dinner plate. And then the Social Justice begins. If you go to USDA’s website you will find that in order to be eligible for her new free school food programs, you only have to ‘already’ be receiving Food Stamps, Medicaid, or a variety of other Welfare Programs. Here are some of the Obama USDA programs for which the tax payers are footing the bill. National School Lunch, After School Snacks, Seamless Summers, School Breakfast, Special Milk, Team Nutrition, Summer Food Services, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Let’s Move and more… plus numerous studies and grants. All of this while the children’s parents are at home with their food stamps.

    It is not the responsibility of the Federal Government to compensate for bad parenting. It’s up to each community to determine if there is a need that their citizens want to get involved in helping. Michelle Obama is hiding her Social Justice behind the children, just like the terrorists hide behind their women and children in the villages of the Middle East. And you can bet that this woman will be spouting her so called ‘concern for the children’ as she campaigns for her Socialist husband. Who do you want telling your children what to eat?