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    18 Facts People Who Recently Moved To New York Will Come To Know

    The city you love to hate and learn to love.

    1. Tourists are your worst enemies.

    2. Your apartment is probably as big as someone else's closet in Connecticut.

    3. And you should be super grateful if you have an elevator.

    4. There's a different smell on every corner.

    5. It's pronounced HOW-stun not HEW-ston.

    6. Clipboard people are the devils in disguise.

    7. Be prepared to wait an hour when heading to a good restaurant.

    8. That is why Seamless becomes your best friend.

    9. $1 Pizza is also God's gift to mankind.

    10. Black is the new black.

    11. The only rainbow you'll see is the Pride Parade.

    12. One of your life goals is to be featured in "Humans of New York."

    13. Tinder is New Yorkers' "single" guilty pleasure.

    14. Soul Cycle is not a form of exercise, it's a lifestyle.

    15. Public nudity might be a necessary evil.

    16. You will witness bizarre things on the subway.

    17. You adopt a new theme song.

    18. It's not such a big, bad city after all.