Arcade Fire's Late Night Special Was Bizarre And Wonderful

    It's amazing anything this strange was aired on network television. But, in fairness, it was on at 1 a.m. in the morning.

    Arcade Fire aired a special produced with The Creators Project on NBC immediately after their appearance on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live. They debuted three songs from their new album Reflektor, which isn't out until October 28th.

    They filmed the special at a nightclub in Montreal called Salsathèque.

    Though the 22 minute special was focused on live performances of "Here Comes the Night Time," "We Exist," and "Normal Person," there were plenty of cameos by their famous friends. Like James Franco...

    Ben Stiller and Bono...

    Michael Cera...

    Aziz Ansari and Eric Wareheim, who appeared in a clip of an imaginary sitcom called Big Bud Li'l Bud...

    ...and Zach Galifianakis and Bill Hader, who appeared as astronauts.

    Here's the show in its entirety. You can only really get a sense of it by actually watching it for yourself.

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