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15 Ways You've Been Shampooing Your Hair Wrong

The key to a good hair day might just be a shampoo away.

1. You've been fooled into thinking that your shampoo HAS to lather.

2. If you're rinsing your hair in hard water, you should do something about it.

3. If you have bleached hair, you should really be using a clarifying shampoo.

4. If your hair seems dry, it might be the silicones in your shampoo.

5. Drying your hair with a T-shirt instead of a towel can really help tame the frizzies.

6. You should apply dry shampoo the evening before, not the morning of.

7. Don't apply your conditioner to sopping wet hair.

8. Consider co-washing for your natural hair.

9. If you have gray/graying hair, you should be using purple shampoo.

10. Don't just rely on a shampoo for color-treated hair if you're trying to maintain a dye job.

11. If you have really thick hair, you might be using way too much shampoo.

12. You really should be leaving your dandruff shampoo in for at least 3–5 minutes.

13. Adding a couple drops of food coloring can help neutralize unwanted tones.

14. You could actually benefit from a double shampoo.

15. You could actually benefit from not shampooing your hair at all.

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