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    This Kitchen Cart Is The Only Ikea Item You Really Need

    You can use this smart cart a myriad of ways.

    This is the Råskog Ikea kitchen cart.

    Of course, you could be boring and just use it in your kitchen the way it was intended.

    Or in the pantry.

    But really, it should be overflowing with plants.

    Or better yet, overflowing with BOOZE.

    It's totally practical in the bathroom.

    Or leave it outdoors to hold your gardening supplies.

    It works as the perfect supplement to a desk that doesn't have enough storage.

    Use it to rein in the chaos of your art studio or craft room.

    Or just as a designated place to hold your knitting and craft supplies in a small space.

    Since it's metal, you can attach those magnetic storage tins to keep track of all those bits and bobs.

    Flip the top over to use it as a mini-sewing tabletop.

    It's durable enough to use in a kids' room.

    Or as a (as fun as homework can be) homework station.

    Make it your little music spot.

    Use it to wheel your cleaning supplies from room to room as you clean.

    The three tiers makes this thing the perfect nightstand.

    Ambitious DIYers all over the web have customized it with a couple coats of spray paint.

    Other brilliant uses:

    - Keep one in your garage so you have a way to wheel groceries from your driveway to your kitchen.

    - Keep your makeup organized.

    - As a charging station.


    So even if you swore off Ikea years ago...