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    35 Mind-Bogglingly Complicated Braids That Are A Feat Of Human Ingenuity

    They might even require a degree in MATH.

    1. Wut.

    2. Hunh?

    3. How.

    4. JUST HOW.

    5. DID YOU DO THIS??

    6. Are you an artist?

    7. Like the kind that shows in galleries or whatever?

    8. Because I think this could be considered art.

    9. Like, I would pay money to go see an exhibit of exquisite braids at MOMA.

    10. Do you have 800 fingers?

    11. I mean, seriously.


    13. You must have the patience of a thousand Dalai Lamas.

    14. The world's most talented spider could not weave a web this intricate.

    15. This is an amazing feat of hair.

    16. Like, a giant leap for hairkind.

    17. What is this 3D technology witchcraft?

    18. You must have hired an engineer (or 12).

    19. Was this made on a Rainbow Loom??

    20. Or did an architect have to draw up blueprints??

    21. Because, I mean, look at that structure.

    22. Can I eat u?

    23. Just stop.

    24. This is too much.

    25. TOO MUCH CUTE.

    26. Is this an MC Escher design?

    27. Obviously this is the work of God.

    28. And this is the stairway to heaven.

    29. Or the staircase to hell?

    30. Finally, I've found the ladder of success.

    31. It NEVER. ENDS.

    32. Oh, braids.

    33. You're impossible.

    34. Perhaps one day I can know all of your intricacies and inner workings.

    35. OK nevermind, I quit. Bye.