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24 Science Experiments Your Kids Will Love

Every kid is for rainbows, explosions, or rainbow explosions.

1. Make crystal geodes out of alum powder, eggshells, and glue.

2. Teach kids about the plant xylem with this dyed flower experiment.

3. You'll be just as fascinated by the bouncy, transparent eggsperiment.

4. Teach the kids to make lava lamps.

5. You can blow up balloons with Pop Rocks because they contain a small amount of pressurized carbon dioxide gas.

6. This melting ice experiment is gorgeous and colorful.

7. Learn about colors by separating the dyes in markers.

8. Make "dancing oobleck" to teach kids about sound waves.

9. Write a secret message using invisible ink, aka lemon juice.

10. Turn gummy bears into giant gummy bears.

11. A rainbow in a jar is a lesson in density.

12. Make bouncy balls out of borax and corn starch.

13. Create different watercolor textures with these mediums.

14. Baking soda + vinegar + glitter turns into a sparkly explosion.

15. Microwave Ivory soap to make an insane huge soap soufflé.

16. Colored rock candy is the science experiment that you can eat.

17. Get rid of your old CD cases by growing bean plants in them.

18. Teach your kids about combustion by lighting alcohol-soaked money on fire.

19. Take advantage of cold weather by making ice bubbles.

20. Blowing up peeps can be strangely satisfying.

21. Drop some raisins into a fizzy drink and see what happens.

22. Explore predator plants.

23. Create these crazy colorful icicles.

24. Use shaving cream, water, and food coloring to teach how rain clouds form.

Parenting Week is a week of content devoted to honoring the hardest job you'll ever love, being a parent. Check out more great Parenting Week content here.

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