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    19 Insanely Kawaii Cat-Themed Products You Had No Idea You Needed

    Meow is the time to move to Japan and buy cute cat stuff.

    1. Unisex Cat Print Blouse, ¥14,040

    Finally, the ~fancy~ cat-print shirt that will take you from day to evening. By FRAMBOIS.

    2. Cat-Print Sneakers, ¥11,800

    3. Cat Hoodie, ¥ 14,000

    4. Fuzzy Cat Diary, ¥ 5,200

    You can also use it as a phone case. From KEORA KEORA.

    5. Hand Butter, ¥2,500

    6. Cat Sandals, ¥3,980

    7. Realistic Cat Clock, ¥4,500

    8. Enthusiastic Cat Pins, ¥1,995

    These cats actually STAND for important issues, like universal catnip and the Clean Litterbox Act. By Pokefasu.

    9. Cat Pants, ¥5,000

    10. Luxurious Cat Scarf, ¥ 5,980

    11. Soft Focus Cat Cardigan, ¥ 19,440

    12. Chubby Cat Ring, ¥1,620

    13. Sad-Face Cat Purse, ¥4,300

    14. Ankle Socks, ¥ 1,500

    15. Realistic Cat Phone Case, ¥2,700

    16. Lounging Cat Sweater, ¥12,960

    By Ambidex.

    17. Odd-Eyed Cat Purse, ¥ 6,800

    18. Cat-Ass Towels, ¥ 842

    19. Cat Slippers, ¥ 3,900