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    15 Animals That Have Committed Huge Pinterest Fails

    The stats say that Pinterest viewers are 80% female, 19% male, and 1% "pets or other." But just a fair warning: you should NEVER let a creature without opposable thumbs handle mason jars.

    1. Pinterest tip: the simplest way to clean your ceiling fan is to throw a pillowcase over each blade and turn it on.

    Fail: this handy cleaning hack turns out to be not so simple once you're stuck up there.

    2. Pinterest tip: bake cupcakes in ice cream cones!

    Fail: bun, you're doing it wrong.

    3. Pinterest tip: clean your dishwasher the easy way by placing a large bowl of vinegar on the bottom rack and run through a full cycle.

    Fail: ugh, you're not supposed to multitask by cleaning YOURSELF, too!

    4. Pinterest tip: shaving cream and Listerine makes an awesome foot mask that will make those cracked heels feel so smooth.

    Fail: sorry, doesn't quite work the same for paws, pal.

    5. Pinterest tip: transform a watermelon into a cocktail keg.

    Fail: It was going so well until these guys got so drunk they started eating the rind.

    6. Pinterest tip: cut a paper towel roll in half if you run out of toilet paper.

    Fail: paws are no substitute for a knife!

    7. Pinterest tip: cover a clutch in tinsel.

    Fail: eating the tinsel before it even reaches the bag and not realizing the consequences until later.

    8. Pinterest tip: repair a bra in ten seconds or less with moleskin.

    Fail: it definitely took this cat WAY longer than ten seconds.

    9. Cool Pinterest project! Wrap a block of wood in yarn and use it as a stamp.


    10. Pinterest tip: a cactus in a tin can makes the perfect party favor or housewarming gift!

    Fail: silly cat! Or should I call you maso-cat?

    11. Pinterest tip: save so much drawer space by filing your clothes.


    12. Pinterest tip: always adjust the shutter speed, which is basically adjusting how much light you are capturing in your photo.

    Fail: you never actually took photos because the little crevice in the camera bag was just calling your name.

    13. Pinterest tip: repair a scratched CD with toothpaste.

    Fail: ok, not totally your fault since you don't actually have fingers.

    14. Pinterest tip:

    Fail: this cat is going to have the worst helmet head.

    15. Pinterest tip: make a SHAMROCK-ARITA! How Brilliant!

    Fail: actually more like a SUCCESS. Get your drink on, little guy.