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    16 Realistic Reasons You Rant

    Kanye West, Mel Gibson, The lady from the Orbit commercials... we all rant, but why? Here are a few reasons why. READ IT OR ELSE BECAUSE WE WORKED HARD ON THIS AND IT WOULD BE RUDE NOT TO. List by Danielle "Ranty Pants" Steinberg and Natalie "Ranter-in-Cheif" Benson

    1. You're "Hangry"

    2. Holla' for Dolla' Bills

    3. You Jam Out... In Traffic.

    4. Re-hashing The Same Fight. For the 80th Time.

    5. You Lost At Something. (Doesn't Matter What)

    6. You've Been Ready to Leave. Since Yesterday.

    7. You're Tired.

    8. You're Poor.

    9. You (Or Someone Else) Broke Something Important/Expensive.

    10. You Can't Find Something.

    11. You're Jealous.

    12. Your Boss Was... Bossy.

    13. You Don't Like The Way You Look

    14. Someone (us, in the previous example) Told You To Stop "Overreacting"

    15. Someone Insults Your Best Friend

    16. Finally & Most Importantly, You Get a Bad Present.

    Think you've got something rant-worthy to taunt us with? Let us know in the comments of this episode of PBS Bongo Bongo: AND HAVE A NICE DAY. OR DON'T, WHATEVER.