
Paul D.

I'm generally pretty quiet but il def talk when with a group of friends! I can be very sarcastic at times. iPod Touch = <3 I love riding my motorcycle! I am the biggest neat freak, i swear I have O.C.D. My room was/has always been cleaner than my older sister's even haha. I absolutely do not drink or smoke. Never have, never will. I can't stand the stuff. It's stupid and you're simply throwing away your money and your life. I love just hoppin in my car and joyriding for no reason when there's nothing better to do. I LOVE rock music and techno with a passion, but I tend to have a soft side for smooth jazz (like Weather Channel jazz). I play video games like there's no tomorrow. Ummm anything else you'd like to know, just ask!

Mar 2010
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