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    50 Things I Have Learned in 50 Years

    An Open Letter to Kate

    1. You have changed a life, you will change more

    2. Holding hands – it's one of the sweetest gestures ever, it means something

    3. Find a form of exercise you love and stay with it – MOVE your body

    4. Don't have more than two credit cards and one should be only for emergencies.

    5. Everything happens for a reason and often things happen for no reason. Don't get caught up over-analyzing or use it as an excuse that you have no control. You are much more powerful than you will ever accept.

    6. The sun, while epic, will age you!! Chose shade wisely and often.

    7. Spell check was created because most everyone sucks at spelling – use it. Don't suck when there is a solution and there is ALWAYS a solution.

    8. Someone will cure cancer, it might be you

    9. Laugh at yourself . . . . often and loudly

    10. Nothing stays broken forever

    11. Keep your resume current

    12. Have a handful of people in your life you can call anytime no matter what and be that person for a select few

    13. Get lost in someone

    14. Forgiveness isn't a thought, it's an action based on a decision

    15. Healthy is beautiful and skinny is subjective

    16. Trust yourself

    17. Do the dishes!! A dirty sink is never a good start to a day.

    18. Never stuff down an emotion – allow yourself to feel. Crying is cathartic and laughter heals.

    19. Time fixes everything

    20. When the waiter asks if you have any questions about the menu, ask him what font was used.

    21. Know what is going on in the world, keep up to date on current events

    22. Salt is a magnifying glass for other flavors, it is OK to use it

    23. Vote

    24. Fresh food is better than fast food every day in every way

    25. Be a spectacular and thoughtful hostess

    26. Hesitation is your subconscious screaming at you to pay attention, so pay attention. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

    27. "I am sorry" are just words – follow it up with sincere action. If you say it, prove it. If it is said to you, be sure the actions match.

    28. Your phone contacts should include your parents, a financial advisor, a CPA, an attorney you trust, a doctor you believe in, a local taxi company, your favorite restaurants and your hair stylist.

    29. The only people to get even with are those that have helped you.

    30. Always listen to children – like the rest of us, they want to be heard. Teach them everything they have to say is important.

    31. Everyone has demons – don't let yours control you

    32. Be well-groomed – dressed and undressed

    33. Do not compare yourself to others – no good will come of it. For clarity, you should know someone has compared himself or herself to you.

    34. Be gentle with other's hearts!

    35. If you are getting ready for work and you look in the mirror and think "Damn, I look sexy!" – go change your clothes.

    36. Cherish your body!! Listen to it!! Care for it!!

    37. Volunteer your time and donate your money to causes you find worthy

    38. Send handwritten birthday cards and thank you cards

    39. Find something you are good at and teach it to others!!

    40. You'll likely never use Algebra or Calculus

    41. Travel the world, embrace other cultures and never let your passport expire.

    42. Be grateful for what you have, if you aren't you won't get more!!

    43. Obstacles are placed in your path to teach you a lesson; most often it is how to get past them. Never turn away from an obstacle – get through it, over it, under it or around it.

    44. Find your place in nature – somewhere that is so very quiet it is loud

    45. Disconnect from the digital world on a regular basis – turn off the phone, the laptop, the television and JUST BE!

    46. Eye contact, use it often – it shows respect and tells others you care

    47. Expectations are invitations for disappointment don't have any – live fully in each moment.

    48. The Golden Rule is always the best option!!

    49. Smile at strangers.

    50. Live every single day being able to look in the mirror and not flinch at the person looking back.