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    Steve Jobs Last Gift To Us All.

    The best secret gift almost missed in interview of Mark Benioff at TechCrunch Disrupt, by Michael Arrington.

    "Steve Jobs last gift to us all."

    Commentary By Patricia Sun

    Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, has an intuitive respect for what is true and valuable. This is no small part of his great success, I know this because of what, and particularly how, he shared Steve Jobs last important message to him and all the others who attended his Memorial.

    Steve jobs last gift, to the valuable people in his life was tremendously significant. And Mark Benioff knew it.

    The gift in a plain brown box, was a book. A guide to self-realization, Paramahamsa Yoganandas "Autobiography of a Yogi". A truthful, earnest and wonderful guide.

    Steve knew that It is time for the actualization of the human mind and brain. In other words it is time to change how you think and how you participate in the world. There are new portals of human potential that are ripe to open. That can release an almost magical power of whole brain thinking: understanding left and right brain and how they could work together and how it creates ideas never thought before. Our work is healing our immature barriers to that recognition. In essence this is self-actualization.

    Steve Jobs faith in himself and his insights came to him because faith is the power of precognition authentically felt from within. Intuition is the right brain seeding our logic with new information. It just pops up from within. This thought processes is whole brain thinking.

    Reality is bigger than just logic alone can hold.

    Reality includes intuition, faith, beauty and goodwill. It cannot be self-actualized without inspiration's guiding power. It cannot happen without that right brain awakening, and its interface to our logical mind. As Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Benioff through Jobs was making the same point.

    This is why it is much more powerful to be good then to be right. Goodness is bigger than just being right. It opens doors in reality that logic cannot do. This is Jobs, "thinking differently". Benioff lamented how little people realized the spiritual power behind Jobs' genius.

    Benioff reported that Jobs had said, while finding greatness "be mindful and project the future". Benioff ended by saying, "that's what he did and you can do it too ".

    That is another sign of an actualized spiritual mind: It openly gives true support and encouragement— and all with a knowing awareness that we all can actualize. In fact we must, it's the meaning of life.

    To hear to the TechCrunch interview with Mark Benioff:

    Patricia Sun is a pioneer and lecturer, consultant in whole brain (left/right integration) thinking, for the actualization of the human mind and brain.