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    When Falling In Love With A Dead Man Was OK !!!

    Warm Bodies is perfect Zombie retelling of the classic love story Romeo and Juliet.

    Your partner likes mushy romantic movies while you prefer horror and splatter Zombie movies. Well fear not, now you can mutually decide your next date movie plan.( No I am not joking ).

    Playing lovers who cannot fulfill their desire has always been a favorite movie plot for directors.Especially when you have a Zombie and a human falling in love, you might be like OK.... what's going on.Most people will reconsider this whole notion pretty absurd even for movies. But when handsome looking Nicholas Hoult and feisty Teresa Palmer act as star crossed lovers on the either side of humanity, you have a movie that dares to be different.

    When you hear about a Zombie movie, you always assume them as the villains, incapable of feelings, always hungry. Well, it's the pretty much the same case here ( surprised) but things change when "R" (Hoult), a zombie, starts to have feelings for Julie (played by Palmer last remembered for the movie I am Number 5 ).

    Director Jonathan Levine directs this romantic comedy Zombie movie with élan which has its moments. Especially when he makes the viewer sympathize with the characters and understand their predicament.

    R which he names himself, starts having feelings for Julie, suddenly and inexplicably. He saves Julie, but loses his heart to her. Julie meanwhile, is confused at his behavior though she starts trusting him after he saves her life and notices he is different. Yes you read it right, a Zombie saved a human.This one also likes solitude and listens to songs on an old gramophone.

    R helps her get back to her father, the stern John Malkovich, who is hell bent on killing him.

    But that is the least of their problems. They are attacked and followed by the skeletal Zombies, the ones who don't even have a shed of humanity left in them.

    Will their love survive ?

    Also there are fun moments in the films which resonates with our own real life.Some of them are funny and witty. Watch the film for its unique story line and superb acting.

    Warm Bodies echoes the same sentiments alive or dead.Here are some moments form the film which we could all agree with.

    1. R may be a Zombie, but he thinks exactly like us when we are approaching our crush

    2. Even R has the same hatred towards the society and stupid people. Don't we all have the feeling that no one seems to understand us

    3. You want that old world feeling. That feeling before mobiles and computers were a constant part of our lives. When you spoke to people, not texted them

    4. You have 'that' best friend who you always have that awkward and funny conversations with. Well sort of ..

    5. When you overact and act like a complete Jackass in front of the girl you had a crush on since First grade

    6. Your favorite moments are those when you do dumb things together

    7. Last but not the least ,You know what Love truly means