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    13 30 Rock Quotes You Can Own

    It's $500 for kissing and $10,000 for snuggling; end of list. . . Just kidding, here's the list!

    1. Foods of 30 Rock. . . Thanks, meat cat!

    2. There are no bad ideas Lemon, only great ideas that go horribly wrong.

    3. Having it all

    4. Never go with a hippie to a second location

    5. Live Every Week Like Its Shark Week

    6. I just don’t want to disappoint the peacock.

    7. Working on my night cheese

    8. Blerg

    9. Frank's trucker hats

    10. Hipster nonsense

    11. Listen up fives, a ten is speaking.

    12. 'cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory!

    13. Rich 50 is middle class 38