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    So we all know the market that is college park has been saturated by an influx of pizza places lately. But luckily for this market the supply will never out match the demand. Pizza is a staple of every person in CP's diet, so i have decided to do you all a favor and rank these places so next time *in a few hours most likely* when you have a pizza craving you know where to go.

    1. Top Tier: SLICES

    2. Top Tier: PIZZA MART

    3. Top Tier: PIZZA KINGDOM

    4. Middle Tier: RATSIES

    5. Middle Tier: LEDOS

    6. Middle Tier: PAPA JOHNS

    7. Middle Tier: PIZZA AUTENTICA

    8. Bottom Tier: DOMINOS

    9. Botton Tier: PIZZA BOLI'S

    10. Bottom Tier: 711

    11. Honorable Mention: BLAZE PIZZA