19 Painful Photos Every Short Guy Can Relate To

    It's a tall person's world and we're just living in it.

    1. When you have to get on your tiptoes just so your junk doesn't touch the urinal:

    #ShortGuyProblems Standing on tip toe to use the urinal @torontojj @JJandMelanie

    On the bright side, your calves will look great.

    2. When height discrimination makes staying single quite easy:

    "RT @iamRiceKid: #shortguyproblems " 😂😂😂

    You don't need someone like that anyway.

    3. When folding your pants isn't just a look, it's a necessity:

    I struggle to find jeans that got #shortmanproblems

    Hemming is actually a valuable life skill.

    4. When you have to find clever ways to get your workout on:

    5. When even bathroom mirrors aren't on your side:

    So much for that selfie.

    6. When trying on clothes feels a lot like playing dress up:

    @profmetheven #ShortGuyProblems Check your privilege, Andre. :C

    "Does this coat belong to a giant?"

    7. When you accept that basketball may not be the sport for you:

    Yao Ming and me. #shortguyproblems

    Or you have to work twice as hard as the other height-privileged folks.

    8. When you spend more time adjusting your seat than you do driving:

    When the guy dropping off your rental car is 6'9"... :/ #shortguyproblems

    Never let a tall person borrow your car. EVER.

    9. When you spend $80 to stare at the back of someone's head:

    Damn you inconsiderate people with your tall genes. #shortguyproblems @milesWHU

    And then wish you could just sit on someone's shoulders.

    10. When others feel obligated to get on your level:

    Made her take her heels off for this one 😏😘 @Kristenpetersn #ShortGuyProblems

    The one time the sorority squat is necessary.

    11. When something as simple as kissing takes a little more creativity:

    12. When chairs become your everyday companion:

    Might as well use them for more than one purpose.

    13. When you require a neck massage after talking to tall people all day long:

    It's like sky gazing, but for hours on end.

    14. When reaching for your dreams is much easier than reaching the ground:

    My feet don't even touch the ground #ShortGuyProblems

    At least your shoes won't get dirty.

    15. When it feels like people are looking down on you...because they literally are:

    16. When you become everyone else's arm rest:

    Team Keg Tap minus 2 #shortguyproblems #bloggers #thekegtap #wedding #beer #craftbeer #i... http://t.co/JKHZWnG3MG

    I am not furniture.

    17. When you change your diet according to what you can reach at the grocery store:

    Hunting for your food is a still very much a thing.

    18. When height requirements continue to haunt you past childhood:

    My reaction when the Lazy River attendant told me there was a height requirement: #shortguyproblems #grownlittleman

    Short people love roller coasters too!

    19. When your forehead makes more appearances in photos than you ever do:


    And although the struggle is very real, you'll always be front and center, no matter what. 😏