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    Ignorance Is Bliss: 7 Utopian Dystopias

    The film adaptation of The Giver, starring Hollywood heavyweights Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep, features a dystopian society in which suffering has been eliminated, safety is a given, and war is not even a memory in people’s lives. Doesn’t sound so bad, right? Dystopian worlds are inherently wrong. However, unlike societies like the ones depicted in The Hunger Games, V for Vendetta, and Blade Runner, in which people know how terrible things are, there are other—darker, scarier, and much more interesting—dystopian societies in which people are happy, mostly because they’re ignorant of the backstory. Disturbingly, they make us doubt why those societies are necessarily bad, if happiness prevails.

    1. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

    2. Lois Lowry’s The Giver

    3. Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day

    4. Samuel R. Delany’s Trouble on Triton

    5. Ian McDonald’s Out of Blue Six

    6. James Morrow’s City of Truth

    7. Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We