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    3 Critical Strategies To Differentiate Your Online Business Management

    Competition has become global and features that differentiate our services from our competition are more critical to survival than ever before. But how can one online business manager differentiate himself or herself from another?

    In the speed of light information grows around us. Competition has become global and features that differentiate our services from our competition are more critical to survival than ever before. But how can one online business manager differentiate himself or herself from another? In this article we look at 3 strategies that will not only differentiate your service, but will make you invaluable to your clients. These are the kind of strategies that create life long clients…

    First we must understand collectively that information itself is not power. In fact with the overload of information coming at us every day, it might be said that information is just the opposite – paralyzing. Power from information comes when its revealed and applied in a purposeful way. Nowhere more than the web is this evident. We all have access to the same information, we all have access to the world markets, yet only a small few individuals and businesses actually prosper to the heights that they set there mind on. Very few succeed online as the lure of viral hype pulls us in. How often have you heard success stories where the strategy was to try this channel, and then this tactic, and then this tactic? Never! Success stories are generally preluded with laser focus, attention to detail, and fine-tuning. This is when magic occurs.

    As an Online Business Manager we can be the beacons that create this focus and attention to detail that separates us from the competition. With these 3 simple yet critical strategies employed in your process, your clients will measure all other services with yours as the benchmark.

    #1 Measure Everything Online

    Whether your client is marketing online, offline or a combination of the two, measuring their efforts and their website performance is incredibly valuable. Through using Google Analytics you can measure almost any type of marketing assuming there is an online component. For example driving a potential customer in a newspaper or radio commercial to a particular landing page can help fine tune your message and measure the interest level. You're able to help the client develop a sales funnel strategy that drives more qualified prospects into their sales teams or process.

    #2 State an Opinion

    Measuring the data is great, and frankly that alone will help differentiate you from a great many competitors. However data in it self remember is paralyzing. What businesses really crave is guidance. So have an opinion and validate it with the data. Action steps generated from reviewing factual data are not only hard to argue, they transform you into a valuable business asset. If you were no longer involved with the business to guide them, who would provide this service? This is a big one.

    #3 Have Regular Evaluation Meetings

    Have regular meetings or conference calls where you can share your screen and the data you're analyzing. Discuss your opinions and why they're game changers. This is a step you really don't want to leave out. The power of having intimate conversations about a persons business performance has multiple benefits including strengthening your business relationship, engaging them in the work you do, and impressing them with your knowledge and concern for their success.

    Applying these 3 strategies will not only separate you from the pack, but will elevate your own work. When you understand what's working, what's not, and where you should focus your time and effort you become extremely productive. And at the end of the day, great results are very hard to argue or let go of.

    How does Google Analytics shape your business? Share your strategies below in the comments.

    3 Critical Strategies To Differentiate Your Online Business Management