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    Chocolate And Avocado CAKE? Get Outta Town!

    Did you know you can use avocados instead of butter for a delicious and moist chocolate cake? It really works!

    A Chocolate Avocado Cake sounds like one of those crazy food concotions, right? ...But what if it really isn't THAT crazy?

    I mean, the greatest thing about an avocado is its deliciously smooth, creamy flavor.

    ... You know. Kinda like ... butter.

    (Or, should I say, like BUTTAH.)

    And what's the secret to a moist a flavorful chocolate cake?

    Right-o, sport: butter.

    Sooo, let's say you're making a chocolate cake. And instead of butter, you slip in some mashed avocado. And then proceed in normal cake-making fashion.

    BOOM. Chocolate and Avocado Cake.

    Decadent, chocolatey, moist, flavorful, not-in-any-way-weird-tasting Chocolate and Avocado Cake.

    With cream cheese frosting, natch.

    You'd never know the difference. Pinky promise.

    Chocolate Avocado Cake. You need this in your life.


    (click here for the recipe)